The Team

Rachel Stirling ~ she/her

photo by the incredible Peter Chee

A dance event organizer for the last 15 years, Rachel has put on countless events from local weekly dances to national level dance events with world-class live music and workshops, including the previous two Champagne & Roses (2015 & 2017).  This year’s Champagne & Roses is the first event that is truly hers, from start to finish, from vision to execution, and she’s so excited to share it with you.  Her dream was to have a team of womxn & non-binary folx creating the event, making decisions, and setting the tone, supported by the labor and emotional support of cis-men, and centering the themes of healing and community (on top of throwing a damn fine party!).  She’s the magus behind the vision, the vibe, the finer details, and the curation of music at the event.

Eleanor Chen ~ she/her, they/them, any pronoun used respectfully

Eleanor’s passion for dance is matched by her passion for individual and communal relationship work, and she’s bringing both to Champagne & Roses. She dreams of events that are as sustainable and nourishing for their organizers as they are for their attendees. Eleanor is responsible for C&R’s intentions and agreements, accessibility, accountability, support team and volunteers, DJs, and more.

Chloë Frisella Kunst ~ they/them

Chloë has a deep, lifelong passion for dance in its many forms and a desire to build and grow rich, healthy, diverse, and sustainable communities. Their wish is that their passions for community building will shine through in their work with Champagne & Roses. Chloë is the volunteer coordinator for C&R and has contributed to the reporting and accountability guidelines and more.